Whether you want Accounting Services, Tax Advice, Tax Agent Services or Financial Planning you have come to the right place. We are more the just Tax Accountant Melbourne. We will help your business grow. We will help you choose accounting packages (in the cloud, if you desire) to run your business efficiently.
We can protect your assets by making sure you have the right structure in place. There are the right times to choose a Company or a Trust or another entity such as a Self Managed Super Fund. It's all about helping you achieve your goals. And that's what our real job is.
These issues are complex but we will make it simple for you.
A holistic solution to all your business and financial needs is built on a solid foundation of Accounting and Taxation expertise.
Click on Pyramid Section for more info
Make a simple decision – Contact us today. We look forward to meeting with you soon.
Our Pyramid of Services covers a range of services for:
Tax Accountant Melbourne
Business Services
Financial Planning*
Finance & Debt Management
Wealth Protection & Insurance
Business Mentoring & Consulting
Accounting & Taxation
For more information on the above services, simply click on the relevant section of the Pyramid and give us a call if you have any queries. We would be more than happy to assist you in making the right decision. At Black & Krantz we have years of experience and can ensure all your needs are looked after. We can help you get started or we can help you grow your business. Make Black & Krantz your next decision, and we will ensure that all your decisions are made simple.
*B & K Financial Planning Pty Ltd Trading as Black & Krantz is an Authorised Representative of Count Financial Limited ABN 19 001 974 625 AFSL No. 227232 (“Count Financial”) which is 85% owned by Count Limited ABN 111 26 990 832 (“Count”) of Level 8, 1 Chifley Square, Sydney 2000 NSW and 15% owned by Count Member Firm Pty Ltd ACN 633 983 490 of Level 8, 1 Chifley Square, Sydney 2000 NSW. Count is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Count Member Firm Pty Ltd is owned by Count Member Firm DT Pty Ltd ACN 633 956 073 which holds the assets under a discretionary trust for certain beneficiaries including potentially some corporate authorised representatives of Count Financial. The information on this web page is not advice and is intended to provide information only. It does not take into account your individual needs, objectives or personal circumstances.
Complimentary Obligation
Free Consultation
Contact Us today for a no obligation and cost free, initial introduction to our financial planning services. This free introduction will not include specific financial planning advice or Statement of Advice, but will help you decide whether the services we offer are right for your needs.
Places offered now – book a free introduction to discover what financial planning can do for you today.
20 years and $35 million later…
"Julian has helped us steer our course from an annual turnover of $200,000 in 1981 to over $35 million in 1997/98."
Wealth Control Pyramid©
Black & Krantz are professionals at helping you make smart choices about your money, based on what is important to you, giving you the motivation and strategies to actually achieve your goals and dreams.
...decisions made simple!
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Note: You will require your membership number.
If you do not have a membership number, email Linda McKenna.
Limited Liability by a scheme under Professional Standards Legislation
Legislation other than for the acts or omissions of Financial services licensees
Limited liability by a scheme under Professionals Standards Legislation Legislation other than for the acts or omissions of financial services licensees